Sunday, April 1, 2018

Be Real About It

Followers (Of Christ),

Easter dates are not so set like other Holidays.  It is allegedly one of the most important Holidays in the world, in this nation for sure among those who know Christ, ...even if the Holiday did all arise from mankinds earlier perceptions of fertility and reproduction expressed in religious valuation and rituals. Easter is a different date each year it is sort of a moving target from March 22, to April 25, yet what makes it sort of humerus this year, is we openly extend eternal life to even the non-believers to believe, because this year, it falls on Aprils fools day. Come Monday morning you are either going to say "Aprils fools Jesus Christ, my occasional disbelief was just a joke, you are risen!", or "Don't you get it, I never really actually believed Christ, he is just a joke and you are it's fool".  It is not that often we put Aprils Fools day in with Easter. Not that we had any control over that...

Yet even back in Jesus Christ day, I am sure Jesus mother didn't miss an opportunity on whatever passed as "April Fools" back then to make remarks like "teee, heee, I told those Roman guards their eyesight is bad, that Jesus might still be in the tomb, they just needed to look again!...Oh you should have seen the angry look on that centurions face who already verified the body was not in the tomb and I said Aprils fools...Christ really is risen and you cant prove he is not!"(faith, is still a choice, those who still append evidence to a body miss the point...he came in spirit, left in spirit).

Rising, that is where we get the one and only reference of Easter out of the KJV Bible, from a word given a new meaning, derived from Greeks Pascha, or even deeper, Chaldean and traces off to the old fertility Gods practices like Astarte. The word pascha meaning modern term "pass-over", took a way of finding a meaning of east, from Easter, in context of a new rising. That's the short story of it. The word Easter didn't exist in the Bible times though a morphed word of Easter appears once in all the KJV, the context and meanings adapted to accommodate for a resurrection as a distinct, planet changing event that the Bible described where the new sun rising was the best way humans could describe it.

What Makes This So Important To Followers Of Christ?

Like most others, Jesus Christ died. It is that he ascended to the Father /Creator's realm and made it possible for all others to do so to in his name, not just "Christians". We as followers of Christ, at times forget he is the Christ of all the worlds religions, we were simply lucky to believe on him now, rather than later...

1 Corinthians 15:3-8, that link you can click is the package delivery in short summation of Easter right onto your smart phone, and you do not need us to parrot it back to you...we expect your heart to know this point of entry to the kingdom of now and future. Many of those still yet, actually believe. There is many, many accounts of a resurrected Jesus Christ to many cultures, and peoples around the globe in that era. Do not even try to tell us this God is just a Christian God when that God, our God, their God... appeared to the peoples of the world, regardless their religions and told them he is the one told of. This is why we disagree with calling it Christianities most important holiday, when it is nearly every religion of the world that has it's savior in him, and we do not hold the patent mark of Christ just to say yes, he is the Christ. The one. What makes it so important, is because we know. And hard as it is to comprehend that we know and others don't who cling to disbelief on faulted models and outdated information's, there are still cases of people not actually knowing he is the same Christ over their religions of the world, as he is for ours. That is what makes the later  ascension following Easter so important we tend to only be reminded of at Easter as so important and not just a "Christian" thing. Gods sheep just happens to be worldwide and not bound by time, place, or whether you pronounce other cultures words right or not. Of the known 20 different faces in statutes and pictures of Jesus from around the world far beyond the limits of Israel, most the only face they know of Jesus Christ is your face, how you treat them or help them or not. What makes Christ real here and now bridging the gap until his return, is you.

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16

In a world that deals with things they can see, hear, touch...there is some people who can only "feel", "think" or even believe in Jesus Christ based on ministry and sharing words and their care needs from you. Ministry, this one, others, or just you, the only "evidence" that can translate his beautiful name to the world ongoing. He would not be able to reach them all if he was still alive now, but now with internet and modern devices and all manner of ways you come into contact with people, he simply is asking you to do it...yet, empowered through him in a real life living translation of ancient text into modern reality. Be real about it.  This ministry has not given up on seeking ways to help people as a way to share that Christ was...and is real, and neither should you give up.

Easter was just the best word they came up with, in this link to click we thank God he has a powerful, beautiful name....Jesus Christ.

Mountain Majesty Ministries, Inc
P.O. Box 1375
Westcliffe, Colorado 81252

Image is public domain

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Mustard Seeds?

Followers (Of Christ), In our prior writings, we warned you of a rising "Anti-Church" soon to be pulsing through the internet....