Sunday, April 8, 2018

The FaceBook Prophecies...

Followers (of Christ),

Believe it or not, you are part of fulfilling prophecy right now just by reading this. It is a blog that gets posted in Facebook, and hurls through the internet to land in your phone in second or so from "clicking".  Yes, things like Facebook, and other new developing social medias designed to replace Facebook, are it seems mentioned in the Bible.

Some of us had fears the internet would end peoples fascination in Gods words, but not here, not with us or the world. It is only increasing it for now. Yet...what is the Bible saying about Facebook or this blog for that matter?

The Bible Does NOT Say Prophecies About "FaceBook"!... .Does It?
Well, then again, it seems to about all the other social medias and internet based apps too, just not by name.

What we do find is prophecies that forecast an era of great change and knowledge increase that seems only explainable by the internet bringing us instant information and on tap. By example, we found that Gods words says in prophecy about a future period on earth in Daniel 12:4 that "knowledge shall be increased"...and we know that stale, old crusty books on a shelf doesn't always do it the way it does now with internet.

Yet we also have noticed, much of the stuff we see in social media is like the Twinkies and Ding-Dongs of internet food, a lot of it is pure junk rapidly filling our minds and thoughts with dis-info, hate speech, political subterfuge, racial animosity pitting American against American and creation of angers and frictions between people at times over what is peoples economic frustrations or financial fears someone else is getting a better cut of the pie we all worked than ones own self. Many social ills and myths of how people come to be ugly against each other is often what you see, that one must question the integrity of the so called "knowledge".  If you find yourself getting angry multiple times a day after seeing FaceBook or into fights too often on Facebook,...and it is not like we don't fall prey to that ourselves ...give thought on what kind of stuff one post or reads and simply ask yourself "Is this helping someone or me?" and "Am I learning from this, or is is it just a meme with strong emotions to follow?".  We crave information and news, and learning, we really should start to govern ourselves better as to what we let ourselves be exposed to as so much of it is "filler material" simply designed to prod your strong and powerful emotions, but not give you any lasting knowledge's. We even read a unusual story about a man who claimed he jumped off a US Navy ship used for experiments, and wound up having a time travel experience where he saw a future America with altered geography and the internet/communications was used only for educational purposes. It got us to thinking and wondering if that might be a good thing?  We choose what we fill ourselves with, let us choose wisely.  2-Timothy 3:7 (KJV) "... Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

It seems to boil down to choices, that we choose what we see and interact with in social media and internet, the more we use it to actually educate ourselves, the better....versus endless fights and controversies getting us nowhere. “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”-Psalms-90:12

Slowly but surely, what we try to teach ourselves, with varying degrees of success, is to ask "is this something educational and informative?" If it is, then its good to share. Humor also good to share, but somethings we have to draw a line at of course. Sometimes people like to throw out "emotional bombs" and be inflammatory to people of other races or religions or economic class just to set back and see people fight. Not good to do that.  What we keep finding and reminding ourselves even is that if it is good, if it is true, if it is knowledge....then good to share.  Proverbs 18:15 "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out"

If all we do is fight and attack and insult or make fun of other races, ethnicity, languages, cultures as we have seen several times this week in FaceBook in Westcliffe, Colorado...then is our fate sealed to that of Babylon where Facebook brings it all to our eyes in nano-seconds and fights all day long?....let's backup and realize it is still us that chooses what we expose ourselves to, and what we say.  Lets choose wisely and that to which leads us to this link to click for leading us to worship and his holy name.


Mountain Majesty Ministries, Inc
P.O. Box 1375
Westcliffe, Colorado 81252

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Mustard Seeds?

Followers (Of Christ), In our prior writings, we warned you of a rising "Anti-Church" soon to be pulsing through the internet....