Followers (of Christ),
This generation.Verily I say to you, this generation of peoples. You are de cellular generation. Especially those of "Generation Z" born in the 1990's, to 2000's as they grow up as born knowing about and how to work smart-phones.The Gospel, the good news, the words of God is now inside your smart phone, your mobile devices. Somehow you all stole God, and slipped him into a chip in your phone for that heavenly "Intel inside", and sneak a peek to hide n' seek, you seek the secrets of seeing and hearing his word covertly and surreptitiously the same way Maxwell Smart had to be sneaky with his shoe phone standing in a telephone booth. Whoever would have dreamed cell phones do far more than agent Smarts shoe? Sitting in church even, many of when having your head bowed and pretending to be praying, are actually looking down at Face Book on your phone, various apps, and your smart phone text messages. Then again, looking at your cell phone also is several real agents, spies, and data harvesters monitoring your activity. God knows your thoughts, the N.S.A. and other agencies increasingly merely know your accounts, locations, pictures and words on your phone.
To those of you new to the blog reading experience (some are), you can "click" on the blue links in the read...and it will take you to the bible versus, authorities or information sources cited on the internet.
Todays smart-phones and mobile devices have the computing power of the computers that put the spacecraft on the moon, and in some cases, even more. If we can use that kind of computing power to put a man on the moon, we can surely use that same computing power in your palm to put Jesus Christ in peoples heart inter alia their phone. Below is a picture of a cell phone that is X-rayed*. When I say put Jesus in their cell phone, you can look real hard, and you will never find Jesus in your/their cell phone. To prove this, looking at the X-rayed cell you see Jesus? Of course not. Yet, behold,I stand at/inside of your cell phone (door) and knock. Revelations 3:20
I can't get Jesus into your/their cell phone literally, just your/their heart and mind is what I speak toward, no computer or cell phone can do that, yet only the individual can do that in ones soul password to let him in. Yet we can aim a digital trajectory that circles the internet backbone sattelites in space around the globe, and does fiery re-entry to earth and into a device in their hand with the words of God. The first 4 blogs have been doing from Mountain Majesty, is collecting digital impressions, data, and analytics. The results of the 4 blog beta-testing I will share with you further down below in this blog.
Turn Off That Cell Phone!!
You step into many churches (not all), and they want you to turn off your cell phone and stick it in your pocket, shut-off and not held in your hands. Some pastors cite how "God is a jealous God!", as Deuteronomy 4:23 (there is actually about 13 versus in the Bible that the writers depict God as having a capacity to be angry, or rather, "jealous") and does not want you being selfish with "divided attention" playing games-apps when the pastor has a sermon he worked hard to prepare to convey Gods words from the Bible. Looking down at and holding your cell phone in many churches is an insult akin to snoring aloud in the pew while you slipped and fell alseep during a sermon. Your fellow church goers...some whom are your friends, family, neighbors and church members will formulate silent judgement against you ("silent" if you are lucky, sometimes they will tell you quite vocally). Many churches, but not all. Very understandable. Part of church is to worship, to praise, to dedicate your focus to God...not listening to funky sounding cell phone alerts and noises on your cell phone. Yet, 1-2 hours a week average at a physical location is not always enough, nor does it reach all, only those who attend.
Cell phone dependence is to the point we fear it's radiation toward cancer and golf ball sized brain tumours from cell phones, and cars wreck left and right due to texting and driving, or worse, sexting and driving. Yet we still carry and use the cell phone and wait for the rest of the developing planet to follow our bad example. Cell phones this generation are causing this generation a degeneration as cellular degeneration as the generation of cellular users. So dangerous is cell phones, even to privacy, yet we "cant live with them, and we can't live without them". They even carry the precursor chip and means that can carry the same idea and functional uses as the chip "they" will want to put into your right hand or forehead on all people in the globe someday. That is, if you want to "BST". (Buy, Sell, Trade, e.g, food to live, life saving drinking water.).
"Turn off that cell phone in Church!". It is all after all quite understandable. Yet, I have noticed many churches lately haven't been doing as well on new membership drives, there is mixed messages in society competing for your attention, and smart phone usage is astronomical these days. Some, not all, some churches let the smart-phone and technology surge distance them from the people in the pew. Other churches don't mind cell phones and devices in church, as the Bible and study guides are digital and used on cell phones.
Let this sink in. Churches, 1-2 hours or more a week, but attendance and belief in Bible is slipping fast. Compared to young adults and youth, some studies found people are on their smart phones up to FIVE hours per day. Do you now see where many Churches are losing the battle for the mind? The traditional Church buildings style of sharing messages and content can not compete against the lure and appeal of smart phones in time, and attention resources to todays generation. Ministry, even Church subsidized where needed, must fill that gap.
Not all, but some churches are not set up for those with disabilities such as hearing impaired. I am one of those people. US Department of HealthAnd Human Services reports that about 15% of the U.S. population has trouble hearing, such as in a large auditorium environment like a church. Unlike deaf that can be helped by interpretors, many churches just are not equipped to genuinely accommodate the bulk who are hearing impaired There are apps on cell phones you can use the cell phone like an amplifier with ear pieces, but this leads to "judgement" from many who think you are wearing earpieces listening to some kind of sinful music in the middle of church. "Why am I here, if you really cant hear it all?" is the 15% of people who tend to ask themselves that question at times. Then, you have the fact that an astounding one in four people has mental disorders that can include symptoms as irritability, difficulty tracking, focus and attention span issues making it extremely difficult to sit through an hour or two church service much less get "out of it" what the Pastor may have wanted the pew to follow and "get the message" of. Some people can handle 15-20 minutes of focus, but not an hour or two hours. This blog only takes a few minutes to read, and you get just as much bible versus out of it, as a hour long service. That 1 in 4 with mental illness might even be you, or has been you before and you did not even know you were depressed, or had ADHD, anxiety or whatever else that may have impeded your attention or desire to go somewhere to sit for an hour or two. Those who work Sundays maybe can't get to church, or who live so far away in the rural areas that can't afford the weekly drive to church, but would appreciate a shot of bible verse and praise at times right on their smart-phones.
Nearly 2/3 Americans in 2015 have smart-phones, and that has gone up to almost 8 out of 10. Yet, only 5 or 6 out 10 regard themselves as reading the bible anymore. It becomes clear that as "religion", or "Ministry" and sharing the Bible has not kept pace with reality for the most part 50 to 40% of Americans just don't follow along with the bible as much anymore. Brick and Mortar building does not fit into your pocket, like a cell phone does. Social Media has almost entirely replaced election media forms of the past such as news chanells and printed press. A U.S. Presidential Candidate can get elected into the White House through social media influence, surely social media and other media means can get Jesus to your house and heart too.
The internet can not be allowed to drown America into pornography , in a side by side comparison to interest in on forms of ministry that open up ones relationship with God and his words. How long can we hold up as a society of greatness, if we let the addictive slide down porno domination of the internet rule out using that same internet to redirect our focus on God? Ironically, it is 40% of Christian male men who participate to internet porno, and conversely, don't use the internet to do bible study, or getting to know God more while hiding their sins behind partial church attendance. Some are even addicted, yet those who break free, realize the value of ministry of Gods word to reclaim the use of the internet, for good and Gods purposes instead.
The ministry, Mountain Majesty Ministry, in process of being developed, is to reach out to people...precisely what, how and where they and at their cellphones. Ever heard that saying "wherever you go, there you are". Now just add the word "smart phone". Now, add roughly a decade, and times that by the number of families, households and people on the entire planet and in years ahead when low orbit sattelilte systems are all up in place...intenret will be genuinely global to all. Throw in some Google Translate, and you literally have global reach.
In matters of portability, how did Jesus for not having internet back then, how did he "get the word out" and get around so well? The closest thing Jesus had to the internet was 12 disciples, and the fact his brother just happened to own a shipping company with boats. He was able to go places on those boats.If Jesus was here right now, he would be doing ministry, using the internet to reach and share that way. Not replacing churches, but augmenting and adding to the overall ministries. In years ahead, global impact will finally be possible, and by starting that now.
Wait, I Changed My Mind, Dont Turn That Cell Phone Off, Use It!
The developing Ministry, Mountain Majesty Ministry did using 4 hastily written crude blogs (e.g, ) in a specific target area of Colorado that has two rugged, rural remote counties of low population density and that are relatively "low tech" that have some of the states slowest or poorest and least available broadband service for the time being. This was done as a strategy to 1.-Simluate realistic conditions of developing countries and other rural areas of the U.S.A.. 2-Gain an reasonably accurate read of what to expect of cell phone users versus traditional computer users with the long term thinking of growing the ministry to global in future years. And the results are interesting;
I-68-75% (with variation) of the Beta blog readers use: mobile devices (almost all are smartphones).
II- Of the "mobile" devices 66% are iPhone, 18% Androids, and neglible other variations.
III-Ony 12% of the readers, used "computers".
The first beta blog had only 80 readers,which was double what I expected, as I wasn't promoting or advertising the blog, it was just to get a aggregate data over a month period of 4 blogs in a very isolated rural setting. After just roughly a month, the blog reader numbers exploded to thousands of readers and reads and not one shred of promoting or advertising or effort. At that, it was just a beta test on a blog, and had not yet touched upon the podcasting, Face Book, other social media, planned on websites, and other mass media, etc..
Verifying the future is to smart phones, this compels that the future formatting must be geared to 1-.Smart phones, not just computers. 2-Be fairly short and simple to shorter reading time. 3-Graphics and images must take cell phone user into account "Google Translate" do-able for when overseas readerships starts to explode in numbers now, and years ahead.
Back to Jesus and his brothers shipping and commerce boats, ...make those boats the internet backbone up in the sky. The hooks used for the fishing the souls of people for Jesus, is peoples cell phones internet acccess, and be fisher of men is where the ministry is headed into and through the internet.
Now that it is shared what the "market" (people who it will reach and those who will enjoy it) of the Ministry is (internet, cell phones), next blog will share "what" the Ministry is. As a sneek peek, it is not a religion, it is not a church or a location, building or adress you get into your car and go operates in the areas of Christ teachings that are about his Kingdom, and what Christ described about the Kingdom of Heaven in Luke 17:21 (and yes, do click and read).
A young man not aware what the developing Ministry is (how could he know, it has not been stated yet) and who was not aware the first 4 blogs have been merely beta-testing to assess the technical side of the U.S.A. and world persons devices and apps they are using to know the best means to use that it will be reaching out to. The young man said what appeared to be frank inputs. He said he did not think anyone should be seeking to do ministry "unless he is willing to devote any and all resources necessary to doing so". That is precisely and exactly the research the Ministry being developed is doing, is examining exactly what resources are to be leveraged to meet the ministry needs of the people in Gods word. It is time, for the Mnistry being developed, and others Ministries, to step up to the plate and fill the ministry needs of the people where many churches have left off or are limited by being a two hour a week building stop. The internet however by contrast is 24/7 and never sleeps.
The need is there to go from an era of the internet being abused and negelected from smart phone "cellular degeneration" of porno overload or the abuses and neglects of the internet blessings from unfruitful purposes, to maximized ministry. A world of thumb tribes of people without feeding them spiritually in their hearts and minds as many churches have not kept pace to that area at the level of abundant cell phones, to that of "De Cellular Generation". Governments and Corporations fully intend to fit the entire planet into their "market" controls onto smart phones, all we are asked to do, is get Jesus and his words into their cell phones on that rising crescendo. Not even a nuclear war will stop or deter the world, and it's powers from achieving the world as a "cellular generation" for very long.
Look for the next blog, as it is very exciting developments to share what the Ministry being developed is.
*-The picture source author is known only as "SecretDisc" (attribution)
This generation.Verily I say to you, this generation of peoples. You are de cellular generation. Especially those of "Generation Z" born in the 1990's, to 2000's as they grow up as born knowing about and how to work smart-phones.The Gospel, the good news, the words of God is now inside your smart phone, your mobile devices. Somehow you all stole God, and slipped him into a chip in your phone for that heavenly "Intel inside", and sneak a peek to hide n' seek, you seek the secrets of seeing and hearing his word covertly and surreptitiously the same way Maxwell Smart had to be sneaky with his shoe phone standing in a telephone booth. Whoever would have dreamed cell phones do far more than agent Smarts shoe? Sitting in church even, many of when having your head bowed and pretending to be praying, are actually looking down at Face Book on your phone, various apps, and your smart phone text messages. Then again, looking at your cell phone also is several real agents, spies, and data harvesters monitoring your activity. God knows your thoughts, the N.S.A. and other agencies increasingly merely know your accounts, locations, pictures and words on your phone.
To those of you new to the blog reading experience (some are), you can "click" on the blue links in the read...and it will take you to the bible versus, authorities or information sources cited on the internet.
Todays smart-phones and mobile devices have the computing power of the computers that put the spacecraft on the moon, and in some cases, even more. If we can use that kind of computing power to put a man on the moon, we can surely use that same computing power in your palm to put Jesus Christ in peoples heart inter alia their phone. Below is a picture of a cell phone that is X-rayed*. When I say put Jesus in their cell phone, you can look real hard, and you will never find Jesus in your/their cell phone. To prove this, looking at the X-rayed cell you see Jesus? Of course not. Yet, behold,I stand at/inside of your cell phone (door) and knock. Revelations 3:20
No Jesus. Phone just a tool towards cool. Of course no Jesus, yet you should rather know Jesus. |
I can't get Jesus into your/their cell phone literally, just your/their heart and mind is what I speak toward, no computer or cell phone can do that, yet only the individual can do that in ones soul password to let him in. Yet we can aim a digital trajectory that circles the internet backbone sattelites in space around the globe, and does fiery re-entry to earth and into a device in their hand with the words of God. The first 4 blogs have been doing from Mountain Majesty, is collecting digital impressions, data, and analytics. The results of the 4 blog beta-testing I will share with you further down below in this blog.
Turn Off That Cell Phone!!
You step into many churches (not all), and they want you to turn off your cell phone and stick it in your pocket, shut-off and not held in your hands. Some pastors cite how "God is a jealous God!", as Deuteronomy 4:23 (there is actually about 13 versus in the Bible that the writers depict God as having a capacity to be angry, or rather, "jealous") and does not want you being selfish with "divided attention" playing games-apps when the pastor has a sermon he worked hard to prepare to convey Gods words from the Bible. Looking down at and holding your cell phone in many churches is an insult akin to snoring aloud in the pew while you slipped and fell alseep during a sermon. Your fellow church goers...some whom are your friends, family, neighbors and church members will formulate silent judgement against you ("silent" if you are lucky, sometimes they will tell you quite vocally). Many churches, but not all. Very understandable. Part of church is to worship, to praise, to dedicate your focus to God...not listening to funky sounding cell phone alerts and noises on your cell phone. Yet, 1-2 hours a week average at a physical location is not always enough, nor does it reach all, only those who attend.
Cell phone dependence is to the point we fear it's radiation toward cancer and golf ball sized brain tumours from cell phones, and cars wreck left and right due to texting and driving, or worse, sexting and driving. Yet we still carry and use the cell phone and wait for the rest of the developing planet to follow our bad example. Cell phones this generation are causing this generation a degeneration as cellular degeneration as the generation of cellular users. So dangerous is cell phones, even to privacy, yet we "cant live with them, and we can't live without them". They even carry the precursor chip and means that can carry the same idea and functional uses as the chip "they" will want to put into your right hand or forehead on all people in the globe someday. That is, if you want to "BST". (Buy, Sell, Trade, e.g, food to live, life saving drinking water.).
"Turn off that cell phone in Church!". It is all after all quite understandable. Yet, I have noticed many churches lately haven't been doing as well on new membership drives, there is mixed messages in society competing for your attention, and smart phone usage is astronomical these days. Some, not all, some churches let the smart-phone and technology surge distance them from the people in the pew. Other churches don't mind cell phones and devices in church, as the Bible and study guides are digital and used on cell phones.
Let this sink in. Churches, 1-2 hours or more a week, but attendance and belief in Bible is slipping fast. Compared to young adults and youth, some studies found people are on their smart phones up to FIVE hours per day. Do you now see where many Churches are losing the battle for the mind? The traditional Church buildings style of sharing messages and content can not compete against the lure and appeal of smart phones in time, and attention resources to todays generation. Ministry, even Church subsidized where needed, must fill that gap.
Not all, but some churches are not set up for those with disabilities such as hearing impaired. I am one of those people. US Department of HealthAnd Human Services reports that about 15% of the U.S. population has trouble hearing, such as in a large auditorium environment like a church. Unlike deaf that can be helped by interpretors, many churches just are not equipped to genuinely accommodate the bulk who are hearing impaired There are apps on cell phones you can use the cell phone like an amplifier with ear pieces, but this leads to "judgement" from many who think you are wearing earpieces listening to some kind of sinful music in the middle of church. "Why am I here, if you really cant hear it all?" is the 15% of people who tend to ask themselves that question at times. Then, you have the fact that an astounding one in four people has mental disorders that can include symptoms as irritability, difficulty tracking, focus and attention span issues making it extremely difficult to sit through an hour or two church service much less get "out of it" what the Pastor may have wanted the pew to follow and "get the message" of. Some people can handle 15-20 minutes of focus, but not an hour or two hours. This blog only takes a few minutes to read, and you get just as much bible versus out of it, as a hour long service. That 1 in 4 with mental illness might even be you, or has been you before and you did not even know you were depressed, or had ADHD, anxiety or whatever else that may have impeded your attention or desire to go somewhere to sit for an hour or two. Those who work Sundays maybe can't get to church, or who live so far away in the rural areas that can't afford the weekly drive to church, but would appreciate a shot of bible verse and praise at times right on their smart-phones.
Nearly 2/3 Americans in 2015 have smart-phones, and that has gone up to almost 8 out of 10. Yet, only 5 or 6 out 10 regard themselves as reading the bible anymore. It becomes clear that as "religion", or "Ministry" and sharing the Bible has not kept pace with reality for the most part 50 to 40% of Americans just don't follow along with the bible as much anymore. Brick and Mortar building does not fit into your pocket, like a cell phone does. Social Media has almost entirely replaced election media forms of the past such as news chanells and printed press. A U.S. Presidential Candidate can get elected into the White House through social media influence, surely social media and other media means can get Jesus to your house and heart too.
The internet can not be allowed to drown America into pornography , in a side by side comparison to interest in on forms of ministry that open up ones relationship with God and his words. How long can we hold up as a society of greatness, if we let the addictive slide down porno domination of the internet rule out using that same internet to redirect our focus on God? Ironically, it is 40% of Christian male men who participate to internet porno, and conversely, don't use the internet to do bible study, or getting to know God more while hiding their sins behind partial church attendance. Some are even addicted, yet those who break free, realize the value of ministry of Gods word to reclaim the use of the internet, for good and Gods purposes instead.
The ministry, Mountain Majesty Ministry, in process of being developed, is to reach out to people...precisely what, how and where they and at their cellphones. Ever heard that saying "wherever you go, there you are". Now just add the word "smart phone". Now, add roughly a decade, and times that by the number of families, households and people on the entire planet and in years ahead when low orbit sattelilte systems are all up in place...intenret will be genuinely global to all. Throw in some Google Translate, and you literally have global reach.
In matters of portability, how did Jesus for not having internet back then, how did he "get the word out" and get around so well? The closest thing Jesus had to the internet was 12 disciples, and the fact his brother just happened to own a shipping company with boats. He was able to go places on those boats.If Jesus was here right now, he would be doing ministry, using the internet to reach and share that way. Not replacing churches, but augmenting and adding to the overall ministries. In years ahead, global impact will finally be possible, and by starting that now.
Wait, I Changed My Mind, Dont Turn That Cell Phone Off, Use It!
The developing Ministry, Mountain Majesty Ministry did using 4 hastily written crude blogs (e.g, ) in a specific target area of Colorado that has two rugged, rural remote counties of low population density and that are relatively "low tech" that have some of the states slowest or poorest and least available broadband service for the time being. This was done as a strategy to 1.-Simluate realistic conditions of developing countries and other rural areas of the U.S.A.. 2-Gain an reasonably accurate read of what to expect of cell phone users versus traditional computer users with the long term thinking of growing the ministry to global in future years. And the results are interesting;
I-68-75% (with variation) of the Beta blog readers use: mobile devices (almost all are smartphones).
II- Of the "mobile" devices 66% are iPhone, 18% Androids, and neglible other variations.
III-Ony 12% of the readers, used "computers".
The first beta blog had only 80 readers,which was double what I expected, as I wasn't promoting or advertising the blog, it was just to get a aggregate data over a month period of 4 blogs in a very isolated rural setting. After just roughly a month, the blog reader numbers exploded to thousands of readers and reads and not one shred of promoting or advertising or effort. At that, it was just a beta test on a blog, and had not yet touched upon the podcasting, Face Book, other social media, planned on websites, and other mass media, etc..
Verifying the future is to smart phones, this compels that the future formatting must be geared to 1-.Smart phones, not just computers. 2-Be fairly short and simple to shorter reading time. 3-Graphics and images must take cell phone user into account "Google Translate" do-able for when overseas readerships starts to explode in numbers now, and years ahead.
Back to Jesus and his brothers shipping and commerce boats, ...make those boats the internet backbone up in the sky. The hooks used for the fishing the souls of people for Jesus, is peoples cell phones internet acccess, and be fisher of men is where the ministry is headed into and through the internet.
Now that it is shared what the "market" (people who it will reach and those who will enjoy it) of the Ministry is (internet, cell phones), next blog will share "what" the Ministry is. As a sneek peek, it is not a religion, it is not a church or a location, building or adress you get into your car and go operates in the areas of Christ teachings that are about his Kingdom, and what Christ described about the Kingdom of Heaven in Luke 17:21 (and yes, do click and read).
A young man not aware what the developing Ministry is (how could he know, it has not been stated yet) and who was not aware the first 4 blogs have been merely beta-testing to assess the technical side of the U.S.A. and world persons devices and apps they are using to know the best means to use that it will be reaching out to. The young man said what appeared to be frank inputs. He said he did not think anyone should be seeking to do ministry "unless he is willing to devote any and all resources necessary to doing so". That is precisely and exactly the research the Ministry being developed is doing, is examining exactly what resources are to be leveraged to meet the ministry needs of the people in Gods word. It is time, for the Mnistry being developed, and others Ministries, to step up to the plate and fill the ministry needs of the people where many churches have left off or are limited by being a two hour a week building stop. The internet however by contrast is 24/7 and never sleeps.
The need is there to go from an era of the internet being abused and negelected from smart phone "cellular degeneration" of porno overload or the abuses and neglects of the internet blessings from unfruitful purposes, to maximized ministry. A world of thumb tribes of people without feeding them spiritually in their hearts and minds as many churches have not kept pace to that area at the level of abundant cell phones, to that of "De Cellular Generation". Governments and Corporations fully intend to fit the entire planet into their "market" controls onto smart phones, all we are asked to do, is get Jesus and his words into their cell phones on that rising crescendo. Not even a nuclear war will stop or deter the world, and it's powers from achieving the world as a "cellular generation" for very long.
Look for the next blog, as it is very exciting developments to share what the Ministry being developed is.
*-The picture source author is known only as "SecretDisc" (attribution)
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